The creation and operation of a BID is governed by legislation – Part 4 of the Local Government Act 2003 and the Business Improvement Districts (England) Regulations 2004.

Sheffield City Centre BID Limited is a not-for-profit company limited by guarantee and has a Board of voluntary Directors.

BID ballot

Sheffield BID is currently in its second term (1 April 2021 - 31 March 2026). BID levy payers requiring a copy of the declaration of ballot should contact

Turnout = 37%
Percentage of businesses voting Yes by number= 92%
Percentage of businesses voting Yes by rateable value = 98%

Board of directors

The BID Board is responsible for the strategic and financial management of the BID and meets on a quarterly basis as a minimum. The split of representation on the Board reflects the sector breakdown of the BID levy paying businesses across the city.

Alongside the BID Board there are different working groups focused on specific issues as the need arises. These groups will always have at least one Director in their membership and any necessary budget will be agreed at Board level.

In addition to a non-executive board, we procure the services of an independent chair (approx. 10-12 days per annum) and this is a remunerated contract for services.

Register of director interests

To ensure transparency when discussing issues relating to Sheffield BID and procurement we maintain information on other directorships held by BID board directors. This does not currently include family business interests.

Board members are asked to declare conflicts of interest pertaining to agenda items at each board meeting and any such interests are minuted.

Board minutes

These are available to BID levy payers upon request. Please email

Year end accounts

Annual accounts are produced alongside an annual review and these are made available to levy paying businesses. Our accounts are audited by Hodgson & Oldfield.

BID arrangement

As required by the BID legislation, Sheffield BID has a legal agreement with Sheffield City Council as follows:

  • Baseline agreement – sets out the minimum service standards to be delivered by Sheffield City Council along with any additional agreed discretionary services within the BID area.
  • Operating agreement – defines the contractual arrangements for the collection and enforcement of the BID levy.

Please refer to our Documents section for additional information such as the latest accounts, annual review, current term business plan, statutory billing circulars and procurement policy.