17 Mar
Conflict and violence in the workplace

Following on from the successful Conflict Management and Personal Safety training, Sheffield BID is pleased to announce a brand new course for business owners and management teams/managers.

This new course supports managers and business owners mitigate the threat and risk to staff from conflict and violence (physical and verbal) in the workplace.

Overview of course

The course introduces the learner to a model designed to aid assessment of threat and risk to staff impacted by, or likely to be impacted by, conflict and violence in the workplace. 

The model assists in the identification of options and implementation of actions to mitigate identified threat and risk. 

The model is based on, and compliant with, the National Decision-Making Model (NDM) – a model used by Emergency Services to plan for and deal with threat and risk of injury/harm.  

Practical benefits of using the Model:

  • Provides a structured framework to identify threats and levels of risk to staff from conflict and violence in the workplace and identify and prioritise responses to mitigate them.
  • Examines the impact of legislation, regulation and organisational powers, policy and procedural frameworks on the assessment of threat and risk and options for action.
  • Provides a record of detailed rationale in support of decision making intended to mitigate threats and risks to staff based on an ability to define credible options.
  • Provides clear evidence for post incident inspection or ongoing review and development of plans, policies and procedures.
  • Promotes individual and organisational learning.

 Course content: 

  • Requirements of the Health and Safety at Work Act and Health and Safety at work Regulations in relation to conflict in the workplace and workplace violence.
  • Introduction to the decision-making model, including its structure, application and alignment with Health and Safety risk assessment.
  • Detailed explanation of the six key elements involved in the decision-making process, including the focus of, and considerations applicable to, each element.
  • Practical application of the model to assess threat and risk, identify options and implement actions to mitigate those threats and risks.
  • Recording of decisions and rationale in support of decisions made.
  • Conducting reviews of incidents and validity of mitigations.
  • Exercises to provide learners with the opportunity to apply the various stages of the model to practical scenarios affecting their business.

For further details about availability, please contact enquiries@sheffieldbid.com.